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Life vs. Life

Guest Writer

This article was sent to us by Natalie S., an eighth grader stationed in Texas. Do you have a story to share with your fellow military teens? Visit our writing page to find out how you can submit to Bloom!

Sometimes, I’m like an IED

It’s like I’m saying, “I’ll explode if you don’t let me be.”

One thing can set me off

It’s annoying, though, because people will jump even if I cough

No one understands

Why I need to hold my best friend’s hand

They don’t understand that this is the way I was raised

That I’m not a person who’s always full of anger and hate

Our house has always been run like a tightship

Even then, my life has been full of little “blipps”

It’s hard, but I’ve learned that I’m going to take some hits

But I’m thankful because it would’ve hurt a lot worse

If I was raised like a normal kid

For me, it’s worth it in the end. Military kids have so many experiences that most kids won't have. Our specific environment can teach us things that make us who we are and change the course of our lives, such as leadership, teamwork, determination, and so much more! Honestly, if I could choose between a military life or a normal life, I’m always going with the military. I’m so thankful for the way I was raised, and I hope you are, too.



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