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Heart of Home: An Extension of "The Road-Map Called My Home"

Anna V.

Updated: Oct 10, 2020

Read the first part of "The Road Map Called My Home" HERE

Deep in each and every one of our hearts is that sense of home. Now more than ever, when many are stuck indoors or struggling with moves, that sense is being challenged. The hope is that everything will be okay. Whether we are stuck in our homes or on the move to new ones, we are all facing challenges in this new time. It is important to keep in mind that home can only be as home-like as you make it - so make this unprecedented time a time of family bonding and the building of a stronger home. No matter where you are in the world, home follows you.

You make home.

So make your home your happy place, because we don't know how long we will be stuck here. Whether you're on the move, searching for that new home, or stuck with your family inside your current house, you can always count on one thing: the ability for you to make your new home your home. What are we military kids if not resilient? We can live nearly anywhere!



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