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Controlling What I Can

There are an endless number of things we can’t control in life - decisions that are made for us and external forces that no matter how hard we try, we can’t handle. This can leave us feeling out of control in our own lives. But we take that control back by relying on what we can manage. By focusing on what we can physically organize and command when everything else is out of our hands, we take that power back.

For me, whenever I’m stressed or overwhelmed emotionally, I clean. That’s one thing I can control. I can change my bedsheets, I can vacuum the floor. To me, this is a form of grounding. Being present in the moment, I am physically in control of my life. The problems, worries, and stressors of my life don't go away by any means afterwards, but when I’m able to take a step back and clear my mind for a little while, everything seems more manageable. 

"You don't always need a plan. Sometimes you need to just breathe, trust, let go, and see what happens." -Mandy Hale

On the other hand, when I feel stuck in a routine, I rearrange/redecorate: printing, cutting, and taping new pictures to my wall. I even spend hours moving the furniture in my room. The littlest changes that make me feel excited are similar to things that are changing, like it’s a new season of life. I put up Pinterest quotes and rearrange books until I have what feels like a brand-new environment.

I know not everyone can relate to my manic cleaning and organizing, but everyone knows that feeling - that it's out of your hands, like there’s nothing you can do. Everyone, whether aware of it or not, has a way they deal with this. This can be shown by taking a walk, fixating on their social media page, or even working out. All of these things remind us of what we are in control of. Once I became aware of this, regulating emotions became a routine: I understand what I’m feeling, and I know what I can do to feel better, at least a little bit.

I think when all else seems uncertain, we control what we can. We ground ourselves to what can we manage right now at this given moment - looking for one small thing I can change, like a to-do list, crossing off what we can get done one by one. Although this may seem unimportant or silly, it’s one of the most crucial parts of dealing with and understanding our emotions, especially in these moments of panic.

1 Comment

Feb 21

Life is full of uncertainties, and while we can’t control everything, we can focus on what’s within our reach. Small actions, like organizing our space or setting manageable goals, help us regain a sense of stability. Sometimes, seeking support is also a way to take control—whether it’s delegating tasks or choosing to pay someone to take my TEAS exam for better time management. Finding balance is about knowing when to take charge and when to seek help.



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