Try it on.
Put it on.
Keep it on.
Once you have it on,
You can’t take it off.
The addiction.
The fear.
The loneliness.
You can’t see me-
I'm not here.
I live alone
My mask of tears.
I've known it all.
The yelling.
The lies.
The bullying.
Sometimes I feel so small.
They never know
How much I struggle.
In their eyes,
I look weak.
A disappointment.
My accomplishments never enough.
Smile for the picture.
Look happy.
It's for memories' sake,
While I stand there
Behind my fake face.
A smile should be true,
True happiness.
Not forced.
My room.
My quiet place.
My mask is off.
I sit alone
To fix feeling off.
The mirror,
The mirror.
I only see my mask.
One day, I hope
To see my true self.
Not crying alone
Reading books
Off the shelf.
Today was hard,
Tomorrow has challenges.
It won’t be another day
Of sitting alone.
This is an amazing poem! Keep writing, because you never know who will need it most.